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Is lab work covered?

April 10, 2024


All Planstin-managed health plans cover preventive labs as outlined by the ACA. Beyond that, certain labs may be covered depending on your health plan.

For example, if you have the Preventive Copay health plan, or the Care+ Copay plan, you have coverage for a limited number of labs—up to $100 per lab test*.

*Please note: this is per test not per blood draw. 

To learn more about your specific plan coverage, please click on "Plan Documents" and search for the plan name listed on your member ID card. As you type in your plan name your search results will include a plan outline and SBC.

Learn More

  • For more details about the coverage of your specific health plan, click here and search for your plan ID. 

  • Contact a Benefit Advocate if you have further questions about your coverage: 888-920-7526.

January 29, 2025
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January 29, 2025
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Planstin Help Center logo.
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