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What is reference-based pricing?

April 30, 2024

Reference-based pricing uses reference points to determine the most reasonable or fair rate for a service. This pricing method is part of a fair-priced healthcare strategy and is often referred to as RBP. If your Planstin-managed health plan uses this pricing method, the primary reference point will be the Medicare reimbursement rate.

With fair-priced healthcare that uses RBP, you may choose your provider, and you do not need to worry about penalties for going out of network.

A diagram of fair-priced healthcare shows that provider rates can vary widely even in the same city.

How to talk to your provider about RBP

Though your provider may not be familiar with third-party administrators, like Planstin, they are likely familiar with reference-based pricing.

Once you have located a provider, be sure to discuss your service in advance. Inform your provider that your health plan uses reference-based pricing before making an appointment. Doing so will ensure that you and your provider are on the same page before you receive care.

Learn More

  • Download this helpful flyer about how RBP works with most Planstin-managed preventive health plans.

  • Read about your right to pick your provider here.

January 29, 2025
Most Planstin-managed health plans do not use a provider network . That means you are free to work with any provider with out fear of any out-of-network penalties. Very few Planstin-managed health plans still use a provider network. In this case, your health plan uses the PHCS network of providers. Fair-priced healthcare & care coordination The majority of Planstin-managed health plans use an innovative healthcare pricing strategy called fair-priced healthcare. This strategy does not require the use of a provider network, and instead relies on a care coordination team to help you work with your provider, make appointments, and locate providers that work well with your benefits. To learn more about fair-priced healthcare, click here . To learn more about care coordination click here .
January 29, 2025
Preventive Core is a health plan that focuses on preventive care. This health plan meets ACA requirements for minimum essential coverage (otherwise known as MEC). Fair-priced healthcare This health plan uses an innovative healthcare pricing strategy called fair-priced healthcare. To learn more about fair-priced healthcare, click here . Care coordination Preventive Core health plans have no network restrictions and include care coordination services to help you make appointments and locate providers that work well with your benefits. To learn more about care coordination click here . To view information about your Preventive Core health plan, click here and select your specific plan name.
Planstin Help Center logo.
January 24, 2025
All Planstin-managed health plans now feature care coordination services as a part of a fair-price healthcare strategy. The Planstin Care Coordination team will help match members with providers that work best with their plan.
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