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25 Apr, 2024
If you are a small business owner thinking about offering benefits or expanding your current benefits package, you may worry about preventing employees from being eligible for subsidies if they decide to purchase Marketplace coverage.
A pharmacist is holding a tablet in a mail-order pharmacy fulfillment center.
04 Apr, 2024
With PlanstinRx, members can get affordable access to the medications they need—even specialty meds that may typically be cost prohibitive. Not only does the program make prescriptions more affordable, it makes getting them more convenient.
a man is sitting at a table in a restaurant looking at his small business budget
15 Feb, 2024
For those with a limited number of employees, providing comprehensive health insurance can feel financially daunting. There are affordable, and effective, alternatives such as pairing a preventive health plan with a HealthShare membership.
Two men are sitting at a table looking at a piece of paper.
16 Nov, 2023
Explore the tax benefits of employee perks in our latest blog post. Learn how health insurance, retirement plans, and other employee benefits can offer significant tax deductions for your business, helping you save money while boosting team morale.
a group of people are sitting at a table with papers and a laptop
02 Nov, 2023
Evaluate the ACA’s minimum value standards, potential penalties for non-compliance, and why businesses should consider offering minimum value plans (MVPs).
A truck driver sits in his cab looking at paperwork
28 Aug, 2023
Discover how Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangements (MEWAs) are revolutionizing healthcare benefits for small businesses. Learn how Planstin's upcoming MEWA can offer you cost efficiency, flexibility, and administrative ease.
A doctor is typing on a computer keyboard while an assistant looks at a clipboard.
01 Feb, 2023
Discover how reference-based pricing (RBP) health plans can save money on out-of-network claims. Learn about how RBP works, where Planstin obtains RBP rates, and why using RBP for your health care needs is essential.
A man wearing glasses is sitting in front of a laptop computer.
09 Nov, 2022
Learn about self-funded benefits and how they can benefit your employees and your company's bottom line. Understand the regulations surrounding self-insurance and how they differ from fully-insured plans. Discover the advantages of providing customized employee benefits while protecting yourself from catastrophic costs.
A doctor is sitting at a desk with a laptop and a clipboard.
09 Nov, 2022
Learn about Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC) and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) mandates for individuals and employers. Find out what constitutes MEC and how it affects your health coverage options.
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