A red and white logo for planstin administration

PlanstinRx: What Is It and How Does It Work?

April 4, 2024

With PlanstinRx, members can get affordable access to the medications they need—even specialty meds that may typically be cost prohibitive. Not only does the program make prescriptions more affordable, it makes getting them more convenient. 

A pharmacist is holding a tablet in a pharmacy.

In This Article

    In the past decade the net cost of prescription drugs rose more than three times faster than the rate of inflation, and roughly 20% of an employers’ staff has at least one chronic medical condition and takes four or more meds. These numbers emphasize the serious need for employers to offer a more affordable solution for their team. Planstin Administration has found a way to help employers do just that: PlanstinRx. In this article we will cover what PlanstinRx is, how it works, and how to get started.

    PlanstinRx Highlights

    • Works with over 70,000 pharmacies in all 50 states 
    • Live chat with Rx Service Specialists
    • Rx ID card ready to use wherever you go
    • Membership provides access to pet medication discounts
    • Search for medications and receive instant prices
    • Set reminders to take your medications
    • International sourcing for specialty and high-price drugs for significant savings

    What is PlanstinRx?

    PlanstinRx is a robust prescription discount program. A high-performing complement to your standard health plan coverage. When we say high performing, we mean it. Through the PlanstinRx program, members may pay as little as $0 for routine prescriptions, and no more than $15 for other common medications.

    A diagram showing what is planstinrx.

    In addition, members have access to 90-day mail order refills without any extra legwork. Our dedicated PlanstinRx support team will help you get started with mail order and notify you when you have an upcoming refill. If you don’t have any refills left, they will reach out to your provider and handle it, ensuring that you never miss a dose. 

    If you don’t have time to wait for mail order, you can opt to pick up your first fill prescription from your local pharmacy or from a pharmacy selected by PlanstinRx. You can pay ahead, or pay at the pharmacy, depending on the available options.

    PlanstinRx is a robust prescription discount program.

    A high-performing complement to your standard health plan coverage.

    Mail order

    The primary way you will receive your prescriptions with this program is through mail order. In fact, after the initial script is filled at your local pharmacy, you will need to log in to your PlanstinRx portal and set up mail delivery for any future refills. After that, PlanstinRx will take care of the rest. This way, you get maximum cost savings, and benefit from the convenience of medications delivered to your doorstep.

    A flow chart showing how to order a refill of a prescription.

    Sometimes, you will need a medication immediately, and you can certainly pick those up at your pharmacy right away. But, generally, PlanstinRx, works through mail-order as that is the primary way that we are able to save members so much money. It’s also extremely convenient and easy to manage through your member portal.

    What If You Forget to Set Up Mail-Order Refills? 

    PlanstinRx will reach out to you after your first fill to help you get your mail order set up. If for some reason you are not contacted and you return to the pharmacy for your refill, the pharmacist will inform you that you must obtain a refill through mail order to properly use your benefits. And then the pharmacist will likely inform you of the cash

    Mail-order is the primary way that PlanstinRx is able to save members so much money.

    price. If this happens, contact us right away. We will do our best to help you get what you need as soon as possible. If that means filling an in-person pick up for a few pills while waiting for mail order, we will make it happen.

    Package Tracking

    If you have sensitive medications, PlanstinRx knows how to handle them. Not only are all medication shipments tracked, but certain specialty medications are also packaged with equipment that allows PlanstinRx to monitor their temperature.

    If your medications are ever compromised during shipping, PlanstinRx is notified immediately so that they can begin to locate a replacement. We will contact you with an update about your order and how you will receive your replacement (even if that need be through a local retail pharmacy).

    Purchasing options: First fill

    Pre-Pay Select; Guaranteed Price – PlanstinRx will direct you to a specific pharmacy, and you must pay online before you go to pick it up. 

    Pre-Pay Choice; Guaranteed Price – You select your favorite pharmacy, and PlanstinRx finds you the lowest price available at that location. You will pay in advance through your PlanstinRx portal and be sent a PlanstinRx Drug Card with processing information. Then all you need to do is present the card at the pharmacy for pick up.

    Pre-Pay Home Delivery; Guaranteed Price – Place your order online through your member portal. Make sure you can wait up to 10 business days if necessary for your order to arrive. You can get up to a 90-day supply and set up auto-shipped refills for maintenance medications.

    Rx Discount Card (retail); No Guaranteed Price – Search for your medication using the PlanstinRx search tool and locate the nearest pharmacy with the lowest listed price. Select the pharmacy you want to pick up from, and your PlanstinRx portal will populate an Rx Card with the price listed. Take the card and present it at the pharmacy. You will pay for the medication at the location. 

    Copay Cards – If you have been prescribed a brand-name medication, reach out to PlanstinRx immediately. While there is no guarantee, the PlanstinRx team will do what they can to find a copay card if one is available to help you save as much as possible on your first fill.

    Purchasing options: Refill

    Home Delivery – All refills for maintenance medications must be filled through mail order. You can get up to a 90-day supply and set up auto-shipped refills so you never miss a dose.

    Pickup – Refills for controlled substances may be processed for in-person pick up. You will place the order through your member portal and pickup at and the selected location. Additionally, for medications that must be received immediately (no time to wait for delivery), exceptions to the home delivery requirement can be made. For questions or assistance, reach out to the PlanstinRx team by phone or chat.

    Prescription assistance program (PAP)

    For members who need financial assistance, PlanstinRx has a prescription assistance program with over 1,200 covered medications. You may qualify based on income requirements and can complete an eligibility form through your member portal. If you are eligible for the program, your PAP benefits will be built into the prices displayed when you are logged in. 

    If you are not eligible to participate in the PAP, you can still contact the PlanstinRx team for assistance in finding your medication at the most affordable price possible.

    The logos for rite aid , publix , target , walgreens and safeway are shown
    A bunch of logos on a white background including meijer cvs and walgreens

    PlanstinRx partner pharmacies

    We work with all major pharmacies, many smaller chains, and independent locations. If your local pharmacy is not contracted with us, reach out to our dedicated service team, and we will do what we can to add them to our nationwide pharmacy network.

    International pharmacy

    One of the ways PlanstinRx is able to save members so much money, is through international pharmacy sourcing. PlanstinRx works with pharmacies in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and England to source affordable prices for specialty and brand-name prescriptions. Through international mail order, PlanstinRx can save members significant amounts over domestic pricing. 

    For example, take a look at the graphic below for an example of the savings possible using international sourcing.

    Two bottles of pills next to a sign that says save money with international pharmacy

    Your actual savings will depend on the health plan you are enrolled in and the medications that you order. To see how your health plan works with PlanstinRx, view the details listed under your health plan below.

    How your health benefits work with PlanstinRx

    • Care+ Core

      • $0 ACA meds
      • Over 3,000 medications for less than $15
      • Deductible waived for Tier 1 generics
      • Deductible can be waived when using international pharmacy
      • Free shipping for $0 price point, and any orders over $12.95
      • Up to 80% retail savings with discount card

      In general, you will use your PlanstinRx membership to save on medications while meeting your Care+ Rx deductible. Once you have met that deductible, your health plan will begin covering prescription costs with you as outlined in your plan documents. However, there are two advantages your plan offers:

      1) You have an Rx deductible waiver for generics, or Tier 1 medications. This means that your plan will begin covering generic prescription costs immediately.


      The cost for a 30-day prescription of Lisinopril is $11. In this case, your plan will pay $6.60 (60%) and you will only pay $4.40 (your 40% coinsurance).

      2) For all other types of medications (Tier 2-4), you have an international pharmacy advantage. If you choose to use the international pharmacy option when searching for medications you will benefit from the savings, and you can have your Rx deductible waived.


      You have a script for Entresto, and the retail price is $418.20 for 30 tablets. Since you have an $1,100 Rx deductible, you would owe the entire amount. When you search for the medication, you see that your cheapest option, without applying for prescription assistance, is through the international pharmacy, $160.75 for 112 tablets. If you select the international pharmacy option, not only will you get the lower price, you will only pay your 40% coinsurance, or $64.30 for more than 3 times as many tablets.

      112 tablets at the retail price = $1,561.28 / saving you $1,496.98

      Note: PlanstinRx will automatically track any amounts that apply toward your deductible.

      Getting Started
    • Care+ Copay

      • $0 ACA meds
      • $10 or less for generics ($20 for 90-day)
      • $50 or less for Tier 2 ($100 for 90-day)
      • $100 or less for Tier 3 (30 or 90 days)
      • 30% coinsurance for tier 4 
      • Deductible for Tier 4 Rx can be waived when using international pharmacy
      • Free shipping for $0 and $10 price points, and any orders over $12.95

      Your membership gives you access to $0 ACA preventive medications and $10 generic medications (30 day supply). However, if you need a generic medication that PlanstinRx can find at a lower price than $10, you won’t be charged the full $10. For a 90-day, mail-order supply you will only pay a $20 copay (essentially giving you a one-month supply for free). 

      For high-price, specialty and brand-name medications, your plan does have an Rx deductible to meet before your plan will pay for medication costs. However, your PlanstinRx membership will save you money as you are paying for those medications and working toward your deductible. Additionally, when you have the option to choose international pharmacy for a prescription, your Rx deductible can be waived.

      Note: PlanstinRx will automatically track any amounts that apply toward your deductible.

      Getting Started
    • Care+ HSA

      • $0 ACA meds
      • Over 3,000 medications for less than $15
      • Deductible can be waived when using international pharmacy
      • Free shipping for $0 price point, and any orders over $12.95
      • Up to 80% retail savings with discount card

      Use your PlanstinRx membership to save on medications while meeting the Care+ Rx deductible. Once you have met that deductible, your health plan will begin covering prescription costs as outlined in your plan documents. Despite the fact that you have an Rx deductible to meet with this plan, you will have access to a vast network of savings, with over 3,000 medications that PlanstinRx can get you for less than $15. PlanstinRx will automatically track amounts that apply toward your deductible.

      For any medication, first log in to your portal and simply search for the medication by name to review your options. Any international pharmacy option will populate automatically with the other options. Need more help? Try the Rx Specialist chat in the bottom right corner of the home page. The PlanstinRx team is dedicated to helping you find the most affordable option possible.

      1) This plan comes with an international pharmacy advantage. If you choose to use the international pharmacy option when searching for medications, you will benefit from the savings, and you can have your Rx deductible waived.


      You have a script for Entresto, and the retail price with a local discount is $418.20 for 30 tablets. Since you have a $1,100 Rx deductible, you would owe the entire amount. 

      However, when you search for the medication you will see that your cheapest option, without applying for prescription assistance, is through the international pharmacy, $160.75 for 112 tablets. If you select the international pharmacy option, not only will you get the lower price, you will only pay your 30% coinsurance, or $48.22 for more than 3 times as many tablets.

      112 tablets at the retail price = $1,561.28 / saving you $1,513.06

      2) This plan also includes access to a retail prescription discount card. This option will come in handy when looking for the most affordable Tier 1 or generic prescriptions near you. For example, if you search for levothyroxine, you might find prices near you that range from $15 to $25 for a 30-day supply. Using your retail discount card, you can get access to the best possible discount on the retail price—and know exactly which pharmacy near you to get it at. For example, if you live in the 84770 zip code, you’ll have access to the same medication for as low as $8.70.

      Getting Started
    • Preventive Basic

      • Retail discount card through PlanstinSaveRx.com 
      • Access to PAP through PlanstinRx.com
      • Access to cost savings with international pharmacy options through PlanstinRx.com
      • Access to mail order program through PlanstinRx.com
      • Free shipping on orders over $12.95

      The Preventive Basic health plan comes with access to the PlanstinRx retail savings program through PlanstinSaveRx.com. Through this retail prescription discount card program, members can save up to 80% off retail prices at local pharmacies. Additionally, members may log in to PlanstinRx to search for medications that may be eligible for our prescription assistance program (PAP) or alternate sourcing via international pharmacy.


      If you search for levothyroxine, you might find prices near you that range from $15 to $25 for a 30-day supply. Using your retail discount card, you can get access to the best possible discount on the retail price—and know exactly which pharmacy near you to get it at. For example, if you live in the 84770 zip code, you’ll have access to the same medication for as low as $8.70.

      Get Started
    • Preventive Copay

      A screenshot of a website for a company called carezen generic.
      • $0 for 134 ACA and common meds 
      • $10 or less for 800 generics ($20 for 90)
      • $25 or less for Tier 2 ($50 for 90)
      • $50 or less for Tier 3 ($100 for 90)
      • Tier 4 Specialty and Brand Name—search for the best price on planstinrx.com
      • International pharmacy options automatically shown when available
      • Free shipping for $0 and $10 price points, and any orders over $12.95
      • $150 benefit credit per prescription, per month automatically deducted through your portal when applicable

      Your membership gives you access to 134, $0 common medications (97 ACA preventive meds, and 37 additional common acute meds). You will also have access to 800 $10 generic medications that will only be $20 for a 90-day supply (meaning you essentially get one month free with mail order). For Tiers 2 and 3 you have access to affordable copays for either a 30- or 90-day supply.

      For Tiers 1-3 you also have a $150 per prescription, per month benefit credit that will be automatically applied to costs that exceed your copay for any medication. For example, if you are searching for the Tier 2 medication, Cardizem, you will be presented with your purchase options, and you will clearly see what your copay is, and how much of your benefit credit is being used to cover the remaining price of the medication. (See image above for example.)

      If you need a specialty or brand name drug (Tier 4), search for the medication in your member portal. PlanstinRx will do the research for you, finding the most affordable way to access that prescription medication, whether that be through international sourcing, prescription assistance program, or retail discount card. Your best purchase options will populate automatically, and if you need any assistance the Rx chat is available right on screen. 

      For high-ticket medications you can use your $150 benefit credit toward international pharmacy sourcing and maximize it with a 90-month supply. Some medication quantities will vary and may actually be available for more than 90-day supply. For example, if you are looking for brand name drug, Entresto, you will see options for retail, pre-pay home delivery, PAP assistance request, and international pharmacy. You will notice that your $150 credit can be applied to both retail and international choices.

      When in doubt about the right choice for your situation, reach out to PlanstinRx directly and we will make sure we find the most practical and affordable option.

      Get Started
    • Preventive HSA

      • $0 ACA meds
      • $5 generics Tier 1 (30 or 90 days)
      • $15 or less for Tier 2 ($30 for 90-day)
      • Tier 3, Specialty, Brand Name – use retail discounts, international sourcing, or PAP if qualified
      • Free shipping for $0 and $5 price points, and any orders over $12.95

      This plan provides access to Tier 1 medications for $5 (for a 30 or 90 day-supply) and Tier 2 for $15 (30 day) or $30 (mail order 90). As is the case with all PlanstinRx plans, ACA preventive medications are always $0. 

      Note: For any medication in a set price group, or formulary, such as the $5 Tier 1 medications, there will be no additional shipping charges for mail order.

      Brand-name and specialty meds are available at significant discounts through the PlanstinSaveRx.com retail discount program. Additionally, your program gives you access to international sourcing.


      You have a script for Entresto, and the retail price is $418.20 for 30 tablets. When you search for the medication, you see that your cheapest option, without applying for prescription assistance, is through the international pharmacy, $160.75 for 112 tablets—more than 3 times as many pills. Using the international pharmacy option, will save you $1,496.98.

      Get Started

    How to use it: Getting started with PlanstinRx

    A graphic showing how to receive id , login , update , and search.

    Setting Up Your Account

    As soon as you receive your Planstin Member ID card, you should visit planstinrx.com and sign up.

    It will take you less than five minutes to login and update your profile. You can add your local pharmacy information, your doctor’s information, and start looking for medications right away.

    Searching for Medications

    When you search for medications you will see prices instantly, and you will be presented with options for how to receive your meds.

    Orders & Refills

    Your first order can always be placed for local pickup; however, all subsequent refills (with few exceptions for controlled substances and urgent refills) must be set up for mail-order delivery.

    Once you have a prescription's information loaded in your profile, PlanstinRx will manage your recurring deliveries, making sure you never miss a refill.

    How to use it: Placing an order with PlanstinRx

    1.) Search alphabetically, or use the search bar to look up your medication name.

    2.) Select the proper dosage and quantity, then choose your delivery or pick up method, and add to cart.

    3.) After you add to cart, you will confirm your purchase and complete some order details that will help PlanstinRx fill your prescription and get it to the right address (such as physician information and your delivery address).

    1.) Search

    A screenshot of a website for allergies and asthma

    2.) Select

    A screenshot of a website where you can purchase medications.

    3.) Save

    A screenshot of a website that says `` please select from you want us to attach your order ''.

    4.) Wait 7-10 days for your first delivery.

    5.) For your refills, PlanstinRx will reach out to you well in advance to remind you of the upcoming order. 


    Note: PlanstinRx partners with a mail order pharmacy by the name of “Advanced Pharmacy.” You may receive direct contact from Advanced Pharmacy with any questions about your order. Otherwise, you will be contacted by the PlanstinRx Services team.

    Need Help?

    Learn more: PlanstinRx FAQ

    Live Chat www.planstinrx.com

    Email info@planstinrx.com

    Call 855-798-2538

    Hours: M-Th 8-8 ET; Fri 8-7 ET

    Weekends and holidays are monitored for urgent/emergency situations.


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